They will also perform urban music using string instruments, including a 10-string miniature instrument made from an armadillo shell.
In their structure these instruments have a concha (armadillo shell), a shell-like wood body or a gourd as resonance box.
It's segmented, and the body looks hard, like an armadillo shell.
They are accompanied by indigenous drums, flutes and small lutes made from armadillo shells (showing European influence).
The charango's body was traditionally made from an armadillo shell and is these days often a wooden bowl.
This is no longer the norm, rather they are typically made of wood, with the bowled back merely imitating the shape of the armadillo shell.
A scorpion inside a plastic paper weight, or an armadillo shell made into a basket.
There was a warming cabinet in Nate's apartment that looked like a breadbox made out of a giant armadillo shell.
The Andean charango, a small 5-course, 10-string guitar frequently made from an armadillo shell, is most usually tuned in reentrant fashion.
However, the name Concheros comes from a type of lute made with an armadillo shell, showing Spanish influence.