A roomful of armed assassins against her.
The lone legal adult amongst the armed assassins was Muhamed Mehmedbašić.
There were too many hiding places, too many pieces of heavy machinery that could conceal an armed assassin.
"I have been struggling to avoid the attentions of a hungry tiger and a group of armed assassins running free in my grounds."
Consider suspect an assassin, armed and dangerous!
Four armed assassins riding motorcycles blocked Wickrematunge's vehicle before breaking open his window and shooting him.
Shortly afterwards he was murdered at midnight by a gang of armed assassins.
After being pursued by many armed assassins, and being grazed in the ear, he delivers the boy to another holy man.
I've seen you stand before armed assassins who have orders to kill any Firewalker, and laugh at them.
After Akazukin gives him the slip one too many times he calls in for Vivi, a four armed professional assassin to murder her.