"Innocent people were murdered without justification by heavily armed paratroopers."
More than 2,000 lightly armed American paratroopers are in northern Iraq but have not yet attacked Iraqi forces.
Sharon sent his lightly armed paratroopers against dug-in Egyptians supported by aircraft, tanks and heavy artillery.
But the lightly armed paratroopers didn't have enough fire power to stop a concentrated armored attack.
The cordon held, and no outsiders were permitted into the area by the heavily armed paratroopers who stood menacingly in the rear.
Meanwhile the Germans were reinforcing, and their tanks were moving into Arnhem ready to take on the lightly armed British paratroopers.
Fearing disturbances during the Pope's visit, the government tightened security throughout the city, bringing in 3,500 armed paratroopers to assist the city's 55,000 police officers.
However, the lightly armed paratroopers proved to be no match for the enemy in heavily fortified positions on the terrain that strongly favored the defenders.
The lightly armed paratroopers would have to attack the air base defenses.
The heavily armed British paratroopers who are patrolling the streets of Pristina have prevented large-scale gun battles in the city.