There were five riders, well-mounted and armed, their rough-bearded faces sun-blackened, their bearing that of men long used to the saddle.
Straggled through their midst was a double file of men, half-naked and pressed by armed riders into the parade yard behind the tent barracks.
They'd be maybe to the number of eight or so armed riders, castle folk, plus the lady and the kidlets.
Supplies and messengers are not safe unless they are escorted by five-score and more armed riders.
A band of armed riders were galloping toward me.
The core of the Bulgarian army was the heavy cavalry, which consisted of 12,000-30,000 heavily armed riders.
But there was something about armed riders that made scattered men run without even looking over their shoulders.
We gave chase, my lord, but heavily armed riders are useless in the thickets.
Five hundred heavily armed riders swept over the brow of the hill, smashing into the Pannone ranks, cutting and killing.
The forty armed riders head to the prison.