As tensions mounted, armed vigilantes from both sides took up positions in their towns.
The police are investigating whether armed vigilantes, self-appointed guardians of the border with Mexico, fatally shot at least two illegal immigrants in the desert last week.
The bazaar is just blocks away from a strip where sidewalk alcohol vendors once thrived, before armed vigilantes and policemen drove them away.
The meeting was adjourned and the armed vigilantes immediately rounded up seventy-eight of the union men and sympathizers, and expelled them again.
At Hawera a group of 100 armed vigilantes confronted ploughmen, but were talked out of violence by those they had come to threaten.
Blacks accused the police of acting against them and not against armed white vigilantes.
During the day, the town of McGuffey was seized by hundreds of armed anti-union vigilantes.
The Popular Front concedes that it assembled a "national defense committee" of armed vigilantes.
The Governor said he favored expanding the unarmed auxiliary police but described armed vigilantes or volunteers as "madness."
In another area, heavily armed vigilantes were said to have attacked a military patrol and stolen its armored vehicles.