But before that first armored bear, there were no others.
You did not see armored bears when you were in the north?
The armored bear at the charge seemed to be conscious of no weight except what gave him momentum.
Well, he won't get out if the armored bears are guarding him.
Perhaps he preferred that anyway, she thought; she must seem a little prattling cub, only just past babyhood, in the eyes of an armored bear.
It might support the weight of a child: it would certainly not stand under the weight of an armored bear.
The only animals she had been close to in her world (apart from the armored bears) were working animals of one sort or another.
"I would ask where I could obtain the services of an armored bear," he said.
Then he said, "You will never defeat the armored bears.
The armored bear carries a shield and a banner, both emblazoned with the Zähringen lion.