To engage armored targets, the corps uses a variety of grenades, rockets, and missiles.
Finally, some SPz 12-3's were used as armored targets on gunnery ranges.
Owing to its hand-thrown nature it had limited range of 35 yards (about 32 meters) and could not be used against armored targets.
The projectile was meant to turn to shrapnel inside the body, but had been designed for an armored target.
This cartridge is used, in place of the armor-piercing round, against armored, flammable targets.
For use against armored targets, or large, tough game animals, penetration is the most important consideration.
Moreover, the bazooka fire team often had to expose their bodies in order to obtain a clear field of fire against an armored target.
Chechen fighters formed independent "cells" that worked together to destroy a specific Russian armored target.
Heat rounds were best used against light armored targets, not tanks.
Due to its low penetration capability, it's mostly used against light armored targets.