We're building up supplies of American small arms ammunition.
This facility was built in 1915 to manufacture artillery, rifle, and small arms ammunition.
Money, arms ammunition as well as expert advice were needed.
Production of small arms ammunition began on March 9, 1942, and the plant remained in production for 42 months.
By 0300 on the 19th, the combined efforts of both ships' crewmen brought the fire under control, although some small arms ammunition continued to explode.
During the 1930s the magazine was again used, this time to store small arms ammunition.
Corbon is also an American manufacturer of small arms ammunition.
Accompanying these were 139 million rounds of small arms ammunition.
Later on September 1914, the army operations for the search of arms, ammunition and operational documents began.
He took steps to supply arms, ammunition and military training to the Spanish forces.