After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the exclusive club of arms brokers metastasized.
Russia's traditional role as arms broker and industrial engineer to the Arab countries has not gone away.
It serves organized crime and corrupt governments as a banker and as an arms broker.
Even without evidence from these men, the still-secret Senate report on the matter criticized the Administration for depending on arms brokers, officials said.
The boy's father was Andrew St. Johns, an international arms broker who had mega-dollars and only one heir.
Requiring arms brokers to register with the government is an important measure in providing transparency to arms transfers.
The principles of the code will be constantly undermined if action is not taken to control and license arms brokers.
Some arms brokers are legitimate businesses; many, however, are little more than merchants of death.
We need a timetable for progress, so that all Member States take action in relation to arms brokers.
The smallest of countries were depleting their treasuries to buy chemical and nuclear weapons from arms brokers.