Any reference, however vague, to the Chinese arms build-up along the border was top secret, and highly delicate.
The arms build-up itself was very worrying indeed.
"Its ban on all nuclear explosions will constrain the nuclear powers from developing more advanced and more dangerous weapons, making a costly arms build-up less likely."
Beijing has shown no sign of ending an arms build-up that is focused on Taiwan.
The war was a complete rout for the Indians and led to a refocusing on arms build-up and an improvement in relations with the United States.
He was never pleased that the policy he influenced was associated with the arms build-up of the Cold War.
In 1981, The Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign began with the purpose of pressuring the government to stop the nuclear arms build-up.
Then President Reagan embarked on a huge arms build-up, and the reactors began new production schedules.
In the last two decades, he participated in dozens of nonviolent protest activities, especially those against nuclear proliferation and military arms build-up.
We also must control the arms build-up in certain regions and ask ourselves who is selling these arms and who is profiting from the sales.