The Maldivian army has arrested a senior judge in the criminal court for alleged corruption.
In the early morning on that day, the army arrested Zelaya at his home.
The army then arrested him for declaring sympathy for the enemy.
When the merchants refused, the army closed the stores and arrested 14 shopkeepers.
The army has arrested 700 people in Ramallah and has released all but 200 of them.
President Kumaratunga said that the army had recently arrested several young children who were sent to attack army camps.
The crisis began last month when Zimbabwe's army arrested and tortured two journalists who had reported a failed military coup attempt.
The army arrested 28 people, but no militants were killed or wounded.
The army and police arrested thousands of members of the independent union Solidarity.
It was common knowledge that the army strongly supported him and would arrest his opponents if he so desired.