In a display of common sense, she bolted for the door, only to be blocked by a tall man dressed in army camouflage.
They're smaller than the blue dorados-two and a half to three feet-and their skin is a mottled green and brown, like army camouflage.
Their drivers, dressed in army camouflage, carried what appeared to be official passes.
More than 100 extras playing government commandos in army camouflage formed a line in front of Parliament, while some 400 others playing rebels marched en masse down Whitehall.
These drones resemble the Dio Armor, except the Sigma armor is colored army camouflage.
Their captors were clad in an assortment of gear, army camouflage being predominant.
Although Eric had a mandatary buzz cut and wore standard army camouflage like everyone else at Fort Bragg, he didn't see the point of adapting completely to military etiquette-he refused to give up his pipe.
Criticisms of it ranged from its damage to the heritage vista to its similarity to a bombed-out war-time bunker due to its "army camouflage" colours.
Half a dozen figures came slowly into view, dressed in army camouflage and carrying automatic weapons.
He first appears in standard army camouflage then in 2003 he is repainted into arctic camouflage as a Wal*Mart exclusive.