When the coastal communities had been ravaged, the two armies would combine to enter Iron Bay and bring the great ke ep there to ruin.
Yu Chao'en's army and the Sanmenxia armies combined and were collectively referred to as the Shence Army.
Urquhart was encouraging them by letting them know that the two small British armies had combined.
During the expansionism of the Republic, the army usually had combined living off the land and organized supply lines (the frumentatio) to ensure its food supply.
The two small armies should combine at Borkardan in four days' time.
"We could meet at Naulniah," he suggested, thinking it better if the armies combined the day before the battle rather than attempt to make their junction under fire.
In other words, the Arab Spring hasn't happened yet, and may never happen if the army and the Islamists combine to crush dissent.
If Wellington's Anglo-allied army could combine with the Prussians, the combined force would be larger than Napoleon's.
The modern Italian army annexed Ethiopia and combined it with its other colonies to create Italian East Africa, forcing Haile Selassie to flee the country.
When Tilal's army combined with Amiel's, physicians from the latter replaced rough bandaging with surer skills.