In addition Gough's army contained a large number of reorganised divisions.
To refresh your memories, I will give you the precise numbers a four-legion army contains.
Tariq's army contained about 7000 men, and Musa is said to have sent an additional 5000 reinforcements.
The Romans attempted to raise the morale of their troops by informing them that her army contained more women than men.
Her army contained several thousand men and women.
This was because the Russian army contained a contingent of Armenian volunteers.
More peculiarly, that army contained an astounding number of Lensmen.
His army, some 20,000 strong, contained many foreign mercenaries.
At its peak, in 1813, the regular army contained over 250,000 men.
"The army that comes down out of the north contains Demons whose powers far exceed anything you have yet encountered."