The army headed by Álvaro Obregón eventually deposed Carranza.
Popular sentiment in Mexico was against any sale, and the army deposed President José Joaquín de Herrera when he appeared inclined to negotiate with Slidell.
In June, when the Ayatollah, preaching to 100,000 at a Qum mosque, demanded that the army depose the Shah, he was arrested.
NRC members were imprisoned, and other army and police officers deposed.
Lodge predicted that if the army deposed Diệm, fighting could break out within the ARVN.
Three provisional presidents held office during this interval; one resigned and the army deposed the other two, Franck Sylvain and Fignolé.
Failure to do so would result in the army forcibly deposing the emperor and installing a new one.
In 1952 the Egptian army deposed King Farouk.
An army with 1,000 men sent from Buenos Aires found no resistance at Chuquisaca, took control of the city, and deposed the Junta.
In 1952, the army seized power in Egypt and deposed the King.