General Harel said the army had detained about 2,000 people; about 700 have since been released.
Private West Bank schools opened an hour earlier than instructed by the Israeli authorities, despite threats that the army would detain students caught going to school on "Palestine time."
When the army detained an ambulance, co-workers evacuated Mr. Hook through the hole in the wall the militants had made.
By Tuesday morning, the army had detained nearly 1,000 Israelis who tried to enter the closed military zone of Gaza.
A military spokesman said the army detained 16 suspects in operations in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank cities of Ramallah and Qalqilya.
For five years she collected witnesses' accounts that told how the army had detained him without charges and killed him.
Before his arrival to the city, Ivan's army had rounded up and detained the leading merchants, traders and officials along with their families.
The independent newspaper said the army had detained 23 soldiers on suspicion of involvement.
The police and the army have detained hundreds of leftist labor and political leaders in the last month.
The army detained 11 men who were said to be wanted terrorists.