Army Dominates Country The army dominates the weak civilian Government in Honduras.
The army dominated affairs both at Rio de Janeiro and in the states.
With American support, the army dominates Pakistani society to an extent never seen before in the country's modern history, they said.
His armies dominated Austria, Prussia and Russia.
In Guatemala, the army has dominated the country's politics since a C.I.A.-backed invasion in 1954.
Where an army dominates a country, it is also easy to blame.
General Musharraf has voiced support for democratic reform, but the army dominates Pakistani society as never before.
From Plevne (Plevna) Osman's army dominated the main strategic routes into the heart of Bulgaria.
The army has dominated the country for the last four years, since the three-decade dictatorship of the Duvalier family was overthrown.
It is widely known that Pakistan's army dominates the country's economy and administration.