A few clouds of dust moving to and fro signify that the army is encamping.
A cannonade was now begun, but at about four in the afternoon the chasseurs were ordered back to their first position, and the army encamped.
The two armies encamped themselves at Siffin for more than one hundred days, most of the time being spent in negotiations.
Records show that the army encamped in a nearby field.
The day I finally moved out, the room looked as if an army had encamped in there.
Both armies thus encamped on opposite shores of the river.
The Greek army probably encamped to the north of the city prior to attacking the city.
The armies had encamped around the base of the hill.
To this end, the whole main army encamped for 15 days around Charleroi.
And so the army encamped at sunset well short of Fat Mama.