Thirty Palestinians were killed by army gunfire in January, February and March, the organization reported.
On 5 November, an Israeli army jeep was damaged by Syrian army gunfire as it patrolled the border.
It was the first uprising death from army gunfire reported in a month.
The army said it was checking whether the death was caused by army gunfire.
At least 14 Palestinians were shot dead and more than a hundred wounded by army gunfire in the bloodiest day in four months of protest.
Though unarmed, they persisted in the face of army gunfire.
It was not immediately known how many people were wounded in the army gunfire, but clearly the number was high.
A Palestinian was reported killed by army gunfire as clashes broke out in Gaza after Friday prayer services.
At least nine Palestinians were wounded by army gunfire during the day.
On Sunday, two Gaza residents died as a result of army gunfire.