The comedy revolved around the children's efforts to find him a suitable mom.
The Mystic series revolves around her efforts to come to terms with her new abilities and responsibilities.
The story revolves around Gary's efforts to use his powers for good and to be a superhero, despite having an evil curse.
Similarly, the papal chancery, archive, and library were organized around their efforts.
Another problem between a general partner and the limited partners could revolve around the sponsor's efforts to end the partnership arrangement too early.
The humour revolves around her efforts to persuade him to try something new, or at least stop holding her back.
The series centred around the King family and their efforts to maintain their sail-driven barge transport business.
Much of the cheerfully lackadaisical story revolves around Billy's efforts to solve his money problems with one big score.
This episode was based around the couple's efforts to appoint a hotel manager.
The plot revolved around the children's efforts to hide the existence of the Popples from the adults around them.