But the foundation's actions have aroused animosity, not least among groups that once got their message across to the public through KPFA programs.
It could only serve to arouse further fear and animosity.
Their success aroused animosity by white prospectors who intimidated Mexican miners with the threat of violence and committed violence against some.
It is the Romanians, especially the Gypsies, who arouse the most animosity here.
The active part he took in promoting the execution of Sir Walter Raleigh aroused particular animosity.
Schiele's way of life aroused much animosity among the town's inhabitants, and in April 1912 he was arrested for seducing a young girl below the age of consent.
In Ulster the arbitrary confiscation of the property of the city companies aroused dangerous animosity against the government.
The Act made it a criminal offence to arouse racial animosity towards the white population.
During his time as mission superior, his success in converting large numbers of Japanese people aroused much animosity on the part of the Buddhist monks.