Perhaps as much as any single act, the bombing aroused public sentiment against Southern segregationists and emboldened civil rights leaders to redouble their efforts.
But the Iranian Government has no desire to arouse nationalist sentiment in the Soviet Union.
The New York World and other newspapers of the day tried to arouse public sentiment against the hunt.
Sikander further aroused patriotic feelings and national sentiment.
It is found by the Secret Service and released to the press, further arousing anti-German sentiment.
His marriage to Constance further aroused anti-Western sentiment.
I'm spending every waking moment writing subversive propaganda to try to arouse public sentiment on the Hundred Worlds and in the colonies.
News of this conference is widely publicized in regional newspapers, and arouses anti-Masonic sentiment.
It is this which so powerfully arouses sentiment in us.
He traveled all over Connecticut addressing meetings, raising troops and arousing public sentiment.