Yesterday, Mr. Price was arraigned on six counts of murder and one of attempted murder.
Levitt was arraigned on four counts of indecent assault and battery on two different children who attended the school.
At the Ministries Trial in 1947, he was arraigned on five counts.
Mr. Tolliver was arraigned last night on two counts of second-degree murder and criminal possession of a weapon.
Rogers, who suffered a broken neck, was arraigned on three counts of involuntary manslaughter and is free on $10,000 personal bond.
Mr. Cianci was arraigned yesterday on two counts of endangering the welfare of a child.
The account of his trial states that he was arraigned on two counts.
He was expected to be arraigned on five counts of first-degree attempted murder and weapons charges.
On 18 May 1993, Homolka was arraigned on two counts of manslaughter.
Mr. Knowles is to be arraigned this week on 18 counts of arson as well as theft.