These rocket forts are actually thousands of bottle rockets arranged row atop row in an iron-and-wooden framework.
You have to get the straps neatly arranged atop your auburn permanent and get indoors, but the worst danger is past.
He concentrated on arranging the containers atop the trolley.
Nema pointed to the cluster of statues and symbols arranged atop the altar.
Evan arranged the most important messages in a neat row atop his desk and reread them.
Toss the noodles with about half the sauce and arrange atop the watercress on each plate.
The Gyrgon arranged his hands atop his crossed knees.
The canvas seat and back of the director's chair had caught afire and he was arranging the chair legs carefully atop the flames.
Arrange the salad atop fresh lettuce leaves, perhaps bright red radicchio or dark green spinach.
The girls looked at each other, then began opening drawers and arranging papers and file folders atop the counter.