The company, in the next few months, also arranged contracts to supplement the work it was doing, members of the committee said.
He had previously arranged such contracts in Taiwan and Saudi Arabia.
Under California law, managers are only obliged to advise clients but cannot secure employment or arrange contracts for clients.
It was unclear whether Enron would compensate the customers, most of whom arranged five-year contracts with it in 1997 and 1998.
The association arranged studios, contracts with East German museums and government agencies and tax breaks.
In the second show, Arliss arranges better contracts for a linebacker on steroids and a running back feigning injury.
She has arranged contracts for drywall installation, painting, electrical work and air-conditioning.
Now brokerages are evaluating managers and arranging contracts for clients with smaller portfolios.
Under one possible compromise, the state would arrange long-term contracts to buy electricity on the wholesale market at fixed prices far below today's spot price.
A promoter brings together a performing artist and a venue owner and arranges contracts.