He naturally would arrange suitable employment for his numerous half-brothers and half-sisters.
He aided the House of Mercy at Clewer near Windsor (which exercised extreme in-house discipline) and spent much time arranging employment for ex-prostitutes.
These practitioners arrange employment, evaluate the work environment, plan work activities, and assess the client's progress.
N.C.A.A. rules prohibit a university or a representative from arranging employment for a prospective player's relatives.
The federal government, anxious to avoid war but determined to control the Utes, arranged employment for the tribe.
An effort is made to arrange suitable employment for him.
Will the accommodation offset provisions be applied if a landlord arranges employment for a worker with an employer other than himself?
Staff help facilitate training of the prisoners and try to arrange employment on their release in conjunction with local businesses as a measure to prevent recidivism.
Within two years, Luther was able to arrange homes, marriages, or employment for all of the escaped nuns-except for Katharina.
Peter Cratchit, the heir, for whom his father is arranging employment at the weekly rate of Five shillings and sixpence.