During his tenure he arranged funding, largely from veterans and their families, for the preservation of the Polish Institute, especially the regimental colours.
During the winter of 1973-73 he negotiated with various agencies to arrange funding and support for the project.
Chief among these was helping to arrange funding, transportation, and a facility on Starbase 311 for some of Heidl's experiments.
Planning ahead helps you anticipate your financing needs and arrange suitable funding.
In 1949 the Air Force arranged funding for Parsons to build his machines on his own.
Perhaps as Fitzroi I still had enough credibility with the merchant bankers there to arrange funding for such an enterprise.
The management took notice and, through their leading shareholder Lonrho, arranged funding and sent a British manager to help the fledgling team.
In 1919, Gaplanov arranged funding for 100 Azerbaijani students to study at universities abroad.
NSC officials sought to arrange funding by third-parties.
I'll try to arrange continued funding for the Rufus Lab, mainly for his sake.