There are three basic methods of arranging items in a cargo hold:
An example of a need for randomness sometimes occurs in arranging items in an art exhibit.
So he just shrugged, arranged a few more useful tech items about his person, took a deep breath, and left the lockup.
And arrange your furniture and other commonly used items so that it is easier for you to move around and get to things in your home.
The attractive owner could be seen, arranging items in the window.
They arrange books and other items so that people can find them.
His driver was asked to arrange items in the trunk of his car according to a diagram on a card.
Max had arranged curtains and items in front of the few windows in the basement, to prevent outsiders from seeing inside.
Where there is sufficient space, arrange items in blocks (ie use several of the same product together).
After dinner, the purchasers could arrange for separate removal of whatever items they had bought.