The house was plain and clean, decorated with inexpensive but carefully arranged furniture and pictures.
As Oluf Larsen is arranging pictures of assorted fascists in his outhouse, he's surprised by Herbert Schmidt, returned from Spain.
If a designer is offered a hotel lobby, rather that a grand home, he should still know how to arrange pictures in the lobby.
This afternoon was very hot, and the boys spent it in their room, arranging their books and pictures, and in reading.
Then Apple added Events, which refined the roll concept to arrange pictures logically by their associated event.
She even invented a new form of presentation by arranging freestanding, two-sided pictures into sculptural environments.
Sequence a story by arranging pictures in order.
Windows 7 can't even do basic operations like freely arrange pictures in a folder or not force a sorting order on files.
Finally, after you've created albums on your Facebook page, the site provides tools for you to catalog and arrange pictures in a way that makes sense to you and to your friends.
More Accessible by Being Portable In an activity about abstraction, children arranged pictures on a wall from the most realistic to the least.