Arranged diagonally in alternating diamonds of somber velvets and bright silks, it's mesmerizingly stylish but not slick.
An echelon formation is a (usually military) formation in which its units are arranged diagonally.
On the next deck, the observation lounge has seating arranged diagonally.
In contrast to more conventional pylon design, the corners of the pylons are arranged diagonally along the direction of the course of the line.
To provide dual top billing, the credits were arranged diagonally, with McQueen lower left and Newman upper right.
Designs became asymmetrical or were arranged diagonally.
On the right middle side of the shirt was the word "SOX" in an Old English font, diagonally arranged.
The spotlights in the ceiling of the Fodor Museum are arranged diagonally and throw light on to canvases which seem to dribble dried blood.
The serifed word 'Rangers' is also arranged diagonally, but in blue with red drop shadow.
The painting is arranged diagonally, with loose and fine brushstrokes giving it a naturalistic look.