This retail arrangement eliminates the middleman, the fickle third-party retailer.
The arrangement would eliminate $40 billion of debt owed by 18 of the world's poorest countries, including 14 in Africa.
This arrangement will eliminate the need for a separate graphics card.
This territorial arrangement eliminated all sectarian distinctions, and also the possibility of committing the different churches as such to any particular policy.
The low-slung arrangement also eliminated the need for running boards to step into or out of the vehicle.
Such an arrangement would have only one moving part, and would eliminate the parts of the drivetrain, which transfers power from the engine to the wheels.
If the legs of the coarse crossing X are straight, then this arrangement eliminates the need for switched diamonds and their inconvenient moving parts.
This arrangement eliminates the problems arising from pitching and rolling motions of the ship.
This arrangement can eliminate the need for multiple write ports per bit cell, for large savings in area.
Education officials say the proposed arrangement would eliminate subsidies to banks totaling more than $1 billion a year.