The arrangement saved him "making two back-and-forth trips to town."
Such arrangements could save the state money by enabling landowners to recoup the value of their property without selling it to the state.
The arrangement saves the airline money on the commissions it otherwise pays to travel agents.
That arrangement had saved them all from disaster in the wilderness.
The arrangement would save him at least a minute a day, but this was Argentina.
The ultimate question, however, is how much money a new arrangement would save utility customers on Long Island.
This arrangement saved time, increased the yield and, by bringing indoors work that had always been done outside, insured a cleaner product.
In announcing their decision, the trustees said the arrangement would save the 65-year-old university from closing without threatening its independent, nonsectarian character.
This arrangement saved weeks if not months of delay by eliminating the lengthy bidding and negotiating process.
The arrangement saves space and allows the pilot to line up the throttle settings on both engines.