The situation is complicated by the arrival of the older man's daughter, and the narrative takes a dark turn.
But the arrival of our daughter brought a close to these days.
After her first appearance, Donna makes no more appearances in person, but does call during the arrival of her daughter, Jenny, making sure she's okay.
The house is always kept ready for the arrival of its owner Lord Rupert and his 12-year-old daughter Greta.
After appearing in two plays she put her acting career on hold once again, this time due to the arrival of her daughter Caitlin.
The first play, Heart's Desire, is about a family waiting on the arrival of their daughter Suzy.
Later that afternoon I sat alone on the veranda awaiting the arrival of Sethos and his daughter.
Meanwhile, Lynette has to adjust to the arrival of Tom's previously unknown daughter to the home.
With the arrival of Wolfe's daughter and son-in-law in 1906, the newer, surviving structures were built.
Arguably their greatest collaborative effort happened in 1914 with the arrival of their daughter, Evelyn.