And besides, they said, the ship had never arrived at its next stop and was listed missing.
And multitudes force themselves all the way from the rear of the bus back to the front when the bus arrives at their stop, inconveniencing everyone between.
The guy who asks every two minutes if he has arrived at his stop.
Soon we arrive at our first stop - the Sabine National Wildlife Refuge, established in 1937 and today a favorite of birders.
We hailed a cab and arrived at her stop so quickly that I decided to get out and walk the rest of the way.
I was still sipping cocoa when the train arrived at its final stop, but there was no hurry to leave.
When the bus arrived at his stop he dropped a token in the meter and didn't bother to explain to the perplexed driver.
The aircraft arrived at its fourth stop, Louisville, at 9:42 pm.
Jani had to nudge her awake when they arrived at their stop.
The bus arrived at her stop within five minutes of when the dispatcher promised; when the door swung open, she gave the driver the flower.