An hour later the doctor arrived with the report from the radiologist and a diagnosis in hand.
When there was no custodian to do the work, the students arrived on Sunday afternoons, brushes in hand.
Diamond arrived with a composition in hand, to which True added her vocals.
When Jenny's big day came and we arrived at the hospital, overnight bag in hand, we were told there was a little problem.
Mia's friend Emilia was an assistant store manager, and at nine thirty she arrived with the door key in hand.
Bonnie arrived at a brisk trot, paint brush in hand.
Beverly arrived at the hospital, new pants in hand, and had a hip replacement.
The lobbyists arrived, cell phones in hand, to take their protected spots.
Naomi and I were an item: the father and daughter who arrived with helmets in hand.
MacAlIister arrived, cutter in hand, at the height of the battle.