Visitors start arriving on their way to the Shimerdas.
A Maid arrives to warn her that Menelaus knows the location of her son and is on his way to capture him.
There was, however, an open season on geese, which usually began a week or so after they arrived on their way south.
"Captain," came Soleta's guarded voice, "company will be arriving within the hour "On my way.
President Obama arriving at Nice airport this morning on his way to the G20 summit.
A squad of men had arrived from the Elcor plant on their way around to the town.
As I waited for the crowd to pass, Andy arrived on his way down.
Soon thereafter, Adams and Boukreev arrived on their way down, stopping immediately above me to wait for the traffic to clear.
She arrived in Germany yesterday morning on her way back to the United States.
General John Wilson arrived in the city in August on his way to California.