South African police say the credulous man arrived with his daughter only for both to be taken hostage in a township for four days.
Jennifer had arrived in town with her husband Walter Richards and their teenage daughter, Morgan.
We had notice of their intention the day before; and, early in the morning, Perdita arrived with her daughter.
He arrived at 8 or so with his daughter, Chelsea, for the ritual of photographs and greetings.
He arrived at the arena this afternoon with his daughter, Kathy.
The last is directed at a young mother who arrived at the cart with her 4-year-old daughter.
When Paul arrives home with his daughter, he is beaten unconscious.
Abadas was just arrived from Ranke with his daughter and, unusually, a single servant.
Then Madame Giry arrived in the office with her daughter Meg.
Then Tateh arrives from Latvia, with his little daughter clinging to him for dear life.