Cett sat in his chair with an arrogant expression, looking back at Elend, meeting his eyes.
His arrogant expression taunted her until anger overrode her common sense.
The arrogant expression was replaced by a puzzled one as he looked up from the floor.
Certainly an arrogant expression of his ideas.
Ebon's arrogant expression dismissed the young man from consideration.
Ishihara saw a man approaching him and waited for him with an arrogant expression.
A man answered her ring, and she was immediately put off by the arrogant expression on his face.
His face was immobile with the typical arrogant expression of the ruling class, the Nineteen Families.
They stopped just inside the doorway, arms crossed over their chests, staring back at them with cool, arrogant expressions.
It wore a bushy tail and an arrogant expression.