Then, Mr. Kerry blasted Mr. Bush for "the most arrogant, inept, reckless foreign policy in the modern history of our country."
"The Bush administration has run the most inept, reckless, arrogant and ideological foreign policy in the modern history of our country, and we will reverse that course," he said.
What we do not accept is the arrogant and interventionist policy frequently assumed by the current administration of that country.
The conceited, arrogant, suicidal policy of Blair and Bush has just aggravated the situation and given Bin Laden & Co more ammunition.
But the answer is not a stubborn pursuit of the same arrogant policies.
Mr. Kerry said he believed that "this is the most arrogant, reckless and ideological foreign policy ever pursued in the modern times of our country."
The arrogant policies of Benjamin Netanyahu threaten all this progress.
Mr. Thurow points out that present imperially arrogant policies arouse justified resentment abroad, promote official corruption and provide enormous profits to organized crime.
High Ridge's arrogant policies toward Manticore's allies have aggravated all of them.
What can justify this sudden, unilateral, arrogant and cynical policy?