His groan was primal, guttural, full of arrogant male pride as she began to convulse.
The god will smite you in your arrogant pride!
The barked giants about them had never felt the bite of axe and stood in arrogant pride.
His face was filled with arrogant pride as he unfolded a huge map and spread it out across the desk.
Ferris noted what he was doing, and took it as another example of arrogant pride.
There'd been pride, arrogant pride, in the way he'd displayed his victim.
The Kyogen lords swept across the stage in scurrying waves of arrogant pride and terror.
There was a crusty, almost arrogant pride in Jeremiah's voice.
With a dull groan, Conan cursed his own arrogant, bull-headed pride.
And he knew the weak side of his audience, in their vanity, indolence, and arrogant pride.