After years of pitched battle, the city decided to modify its arrogant stance and try a new approach.
There she pressed her palm to the control panel, and took an arrogant stance as the doors slid smoothly open.
Alaire relaxed, knowing no fight was likely to occur, in spite of the guards and their arrogant stance.
The youth folded his arms across his chest, his stance arrogant and rebellious.
However, the arrogant stance of the local Dutch officer caused anti-colonial resistance.
That's an arrogant stance - and when the rest of the country is heard from, it's apt to be a losing stance as well.
His fancy robe and his arrogant stance made him easy to spy.
The old man drew himself up to a pridefully arrogant stance, his expression contemptuous.
It was no form that Keman recognized, and yet the woman had all of the arrogant stance that he associated with his sister.
It must not adopt an arrogant stance either.