Four men remained, arrows still knocked to their little recurve bows.
The giant stood very still, dazed, and two more arrows knocked into its face.
There came a flurry of bow shots, arrows slicing through the ferns and knocking into trees, then all went quiet.
This time three men died, and an arrow knocked Orman's sun helmet from Ms head.
An arrow knocked into its thigh as it crouched, dropping it, writhing, to its back.
The Amazons raised their bows, arrows knocked.
His hand darted for his quiver, but even as he drew fletchings to cheek, two arrows knocked, the raven from its perch.
Then the arrow came out of nowhere and hit me square in the chest and knocked me right off my horse.
An arrow knocked his helm from his head, another thudded into his shield.
Her first arrow had struck home, right in the thing's chest, and had knocked the orc backward a single step.