The dark furniture has gone and abstract art adorns the walls.
Fine art and antique furnishings adorn the rooms, while a sweeping staircase stands invitingly in the main hall.
In the reception area, a television monitor plays hip music videos and music-themed modern art adorns the walls.
His art was born on the streets of Paris, and now adorns walls across every continent.
His art is very collectable and has adorned the walls of people not just in Texas but all over the world.
Primitive but priceless pre-Colombian art adorned his walls and bookshelves.
Local art adorns the walls and food-art is done in the kitchen.
The wine bar is superb, and Cuban art adorns the walls.
His art has been exhibited worldwide and adorns the walls of many people.
Cuban art adorns the walls and cool sounds, among them live jazz, keep the ambience vibrant.