The most recent show in the hall featured art owned by the comedian Steve Martin.
The works of art owned by the art association were then moved to the Indiana State Normal School.
The Art of Emprise is a collection of art owned by the bank.
There are various references to works of art owned by him, and three well-known survivals.
The centre houses the collection of contemporary Greek art owned by the National Bank s Cultural Foundation.
He was involved with the sale of a collection of fine art owned by the BRPF after fine art prices rose in the 1980s.
Two days after Hitler's victory tour of Paris, he ordered all works of art owned by Jews to be transferred to German hands for so-calledsafekeeping.
Hitler also ordered the confiscation of French works of art owned by the state and the cities.
Before that, its policy was that no art owned by the state needed insurance.
The famous building is being used to showcase highlights from the collection of modern art owned by billionaire François Pinault.