These were drawn in a very art-deco style, with numerous visual puns on sexual objects.
It is built in the art-deco style with a curved front.
In consists solely of private houses in art-deco style.
Schoemaker was a firm follower of the art-deco style, which he mixed with local ornaments.
Built in a broadly art-deco style, it was opened in 1934 by the Duchess of York.
It is in a figurative art-deco architectural style.
The predominant style for new projects was modernism with various interpretations of the art-deco style.
It was built during the colonial period in the city centre, in an Italian art-deco style.
Externally they were rendered and painted in art-deco style, to give a modern appearance.
This led to the construction of many buildings in a grand art-deco style.