Shennan (1997, p. 343) presents a seriation result of Danish hoards based on artefact types like daggers, axes, and swords.
Wilton culture is broadly analogous to the European mesolithic and microliths are a common artefact type.
Initially the concepts of the SPR were tested by analysing the appearance of certain artefact types (e.g. ploughs, wheeled vehicles).
Thin section archaeological petrography can be applied to a range of other artefact types in addition to ceramics; these include plaster, mortar, mudbricks and lithic implements.
Bifacially-worked, leaf-shaped and tanged projectile points are a common artefact type and so are racloirs and Levallois flakes.
The artefact type was also called Turmleuchter ("tower lantern") in some 1920s to 1930s German sources.
Test excavations have produced "prestige goods, as well as a wider variety of general artefact types, and a greater diversity of ceramics than seen at Cerro Brujo".
The material from a number of north-west European countries was arranged by types for comparison from which conclusions about the connectedness of artefact types were drawn.
The period was one where experiments in alloying lead with bronze were being used to develop new artefact types some of which have an uncertain purpose.
At the same time, Northern European artefact types reached Eastern Great Britain in large quantities from across the North Sea.