An artful combination of telekinesis and a push of wind popped the bolts on the main doors, which swung wide to their stops, creating an echoing boom throughout the body of the church.
He fingered his beard and moustache, as if needing to remind himself how artful the combination was.
Visitors will now see not only artful combinations of unusual plants, commonly repeated around a bend, but often gardeners on their hands and knees weeding the beds.
Patterns may be etched by paths, steps and borders, as well as the artful combinations of shrubs and trees.
The play would become an 80-yard touchdown, with quarterback Kerry Collins finding Amani Toomer in another artful combination: a precisely run pass route and a perfectly thrown pass.
Mr. Burrell's artful combinations of plants form a lush carpet over this hillside.
Alongside are matchsticks of sweet Asian pear and slices of earthy mushroom, the raw materials for an artful combination of flavors and textures.
Architecturally, the house is the result of an artful combination of elements from the contemporary modernist movement and the simpler townspeople's building traditions used in the hot southern coast of Puerto Rico.
Although systematic botanical classification was just beginning to take shape in the early 17th century (Linnaeus was not born until 1707), Besler chose a seasonal order for his artful combinations.
"But it has now been reduced to the status of Marlboro Country by the artful combination of campaign contributions and gifts to lawmakers."