Her much-praised novel "Family Night" was an altogether more artful piece of work, mannered in places but eloquent and engrossing throughout.
Talbot noted that the two tracks are the "most poignant and artful pieces" and believed Selena's voice was "tortured and tequila-stained" while their lyrics reflect relinquish unrequited love.
Harry realized that a stealthy prowler could have entered by that route, but it would have been an artful piece of business for any one to have done so.
Postcard is a moving and artful piece, which asks us to think about our motivations in life.
A artful piece of misrepresentation if ever there was.
C. Michael Curtis, a senior editor at The Atlantic who edits most of the fiction, said that he was seeing more "really promising and artful pieces of fiction" than he did 15 or 20 years ago.
The Sweet case became an artful piece of publicity, a forum through which to persuade white America that racial prejudice was something to be ashamed of.
Mrs. Mamlok, who has since the mid 1970s taught composition at the Manhattan School of Music, is a kind of miniaturist composer, crafting delicate, artful pieces on a small scale.
And though no one, I think, would describe it as an artful or literary piece (though it has its moments), it has the impact - half-relieving, half-agonizing - of a chill salve on an open wound.
South collected two spades, three hearts, two diamonds and two clubs - a truly artful piece of play.