Geraldine's artfully placed plastic bottles of warm, strong booze and drank deep.
The house was tall and narrow and not particularly beautiful, but it was artfully placed in about twenty acres of ground.
Tables were artfully placed around the open candlelighted courtyard spread with bright rugs.
The swimming pool, with its artfully placed boulders, has a superreal naturalness.
Headquarters was still a secret to the outside world, hidden as it was by artfully placed piles of salvage materials.
This fierce snarl, artfully placed on its flat ground, almost has a quality of sound to it, like a soulful howl.
Is your idea of home an all-white loft with one artfully placed piece of (black) modern furniture in the living room?
This Richard relishes words because he knows the damage they can do when they are properly shaded and artfully placed.
A couple of artfully placed art and design magazines were the only reading materials in plain view.
Artfully placed miniature evergreens add color, contrast and textural change.