Some players do receive benefits before the pension age of 55 because they are certified for serious arthritic conditions.
An incurable arthritic condition in his left knee makes him a logical candidate for a medical retirement.
In 1994, after he was sidelined by an arthritic condition, the Reds released him.
Handwriting difficulties were got over by the arthritic condition of her hands.
Sitting out, you're going to have an arthritic condition in your leg.
She was euthanized on November 9, 2011 following arthritic conditions, compromised mobility, and depression.
Since the age of 11 she has used a wheelchair because of an arthritic condition.
My left shoulder, I might have an arthritic condition.
This is the kind of arthritic condition called osteoarthritis, typically found in the elderly.
Jackson, meanwhile, cannot play because of a degenerative arthritic condition in his hips.